Our family of ultra-density (UD) panels allows data centers to dramatically increase their fiber optic connectivity without changing their footprint. Designed to fit into existing racks, these compact, modular fiber panels offer flexibility and scalability with plug-and-play simplicity.
• Available in 1U, 2U and 4U sizes
• Accommodates both duplex LC and MPO connectivity
• Allows for moves, adds and changes without interrupting existing channels
• Supports network intelligence with imVision automated infrastructure management system
G2 family portfolio
SYSTIMAX fiber panels solution guide
5 must-have features for fiber panels
Brochure: G2 Family Portfolio
The G2 Family of panels and cassettes seamlessly integrates to maximize the potential in your network using a minimal amount of part numbers.
Infographic: 5 must-have features for fiber panels
The infographic describes visually and briefly the 5 features every network manager should think of when planning to get new fiber panels.
Brochure: HD UD Fiber Panel Solutions Guide (Low Loss)
SYSTIMAX UD and HD solutions are specifically designed for today’s high-density data center environments. They combine high-density manageability with the ease of making moves, adds and changes without disrupting live channels.