With more than half of today’s population living in urban locations, meeting their increasing demands for bandwidth and speed is anything but straightforward.
Whether it’s towering buildings focused in central locations or a landscape dotted with dispersed people and buildings, each location brings with it unique challenges with an underlying goal of boosting network capacity and service coverage.
While small cell architecture is the ideal approach to increase capacity where spectrum is expensive and limited, it is more susceptible to RF losses and passive intermodulation (PIM), potentially undercutting the very benefits it is designed to promote. We can help.
CommScope Metro Cell Connectivity Solutions include a portfolio of miniaturized RF components, which facilitate small cell connections while minimizing loss, making them ideal in tight, urban spaces.
- Plug-n-Play fiber drop cables for FTTA
- Metro cell ready coaxial jumpers
- High performing LSF2 jumper
- Available with NEX10, 4.3-10 and any previous generation interface connectors
- Field fittable for fast installation
- Weather protection for additional security
All solutions are completely customizable, offering compatible connectors that meet your specific small cell needs. And their minimal weight and small footprint allow for quick and easy deployments.
The result? Increased network capacity and optimal performance in every environment.
Ordering Guide: HELIAX® Fiber Products Global
CommScope's HELIAX portfolio of fiber-to-the-antenna (FTTA) products include everything you need for discrete or hybrid architectures.
eBook: Metro Cell Antenna Solutions Chapter 1
CommScope metro cell antennas support cell densification and spectrum expansion, while reducing your antenna footprint. Read this partial eBook to learn more.
Flyer: HELIAX® Fiber Coiler for FTTA
HELIAX FBR-COIL-S solution offers an innovative new way to manage slack fiber storage in both macro and outdoor small cell sites.
Brochure: HELIAX® LSF2 Coaxial Jumper Cable Assemblies
HELIAX LSF2 coaxial cable assemblies are designed to meet the existing and imminent demands of small cells and upcoming 5G networks.
White Paper: Addressing FTTA/FTTN challenges for 4G and 5G Demands - Simplified Chinese
This paper explains FTTA/FTTN infrastructure challenges for meeting demands in 4G and 5G networks and discusses ways these can be addressed.
White Paper: Addressing FTTA/FTTN challenges for 4G and 5G Demands
This paper explains FTTA/FTTN infrastructure challenges for meeting demands in 4G and 5G networks and discusses ways these can be addressed.